
The beat goes on...

So it's been 3 weeks now since arriving back in London and I'm well settled into the new flat, got my bearings as far as what's around the area (since I'm not far from where I was before I already knew a lot of what's around for shops and what not), and am at the tail end of a cold that's been bothering me much of this week.

Things are about to ramp up a bit as we've finally obtained broadband at the flat (that took a while and has its own story that I don't feel like repeating here) meaning I've got a proper means of job hunting and communicating with the world at large. I did pick up an iPhone a week after arriving which was very handy for limited online communication while we waited for DSL so at least I wasn't completely cut off. Still, having access to my computer is much handier.

Soon enough I'm hoping to be able to post details about having found a job and all that but in the mean time I'm doing what I'm doing, catching up with friends, etc. Last time I was here I did all the touristy stuff so I've not really done much of late on that front, though I did go for a bit of a sightseeing walk along the south bank (only between the Eye and Tower Gateway though) with some fine folks this past weekend.

We'll see where things go I guess...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you arrived safe and sound and are settling in. Wish you all the best as always. Perhaps in the future we will get a chance to catch up

11:05 PM, October 23, 2008  

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